Monday, October 17, 2016

Life Is Rough & Unfair

       Hey guys! So after a nice summer break and an okay start to the school year at the school that I already hate, I have all the more reason to hate it even more. I got suspended on Friday for something that I didn't even do. That just goes to show why the title of this post is so true. It is sad, but the truth. I need to get out of here. My parents won't let me though. I have stayed strong long enough. I have fought the good fight.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Last Full Day of School

            Hey, all you awesome people out there! This entry won't be very long, but it is the last full day of school, which means that the year on the blog is winding down even though really it just got started. I promise we will start it up next year, and I am going to invite some of my friends to write on the blog along the way as well. I just wanted to jump on here and say we survived freshman year. It was a whirlwind of emotions and a ton of learning got done, but I would not change anything about this year. It was really awesome and amazing. Anyways, we turn in our laptops tomorrow, so I guess this is see you later until next year.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tis the Season!

                Hey all! I am enjoying going to all of these graduation parties, and my sister's is today. The thing is that it is crazy busy. There is a lot happening, and it is hard to think that I only have three years left of it myself before that is me. We only have ten days left of school this year, so that means that I will be turning in my laptop soon. That also means that the entries on all of my blogs will stop until I get access to a computer. This blog would stop anyways, because it would be summer, and my idea would be to keep this blog up and active through the school year only. After all it is about high school life and how to survive it. Anyways, yeah! I really don't have a lot of time to write because here pretty soon I have to get ready for my sister's party, but I thought I would log on and tell you that the season for graduation parties has started, and it is in full swing where I am from. I will write later. Peace out wonderful people, and have a nice day.

Monday, May 9, 2016


               Hey, people! This is just a quick post that says that even though bullying happens a lot in high school, that things will turn out okay. You just have to tough it out. I believe in you and I am here for you. I am here to help you and tell you not to change for anyone, because you are beautiful and perfect just the way that you are. We are all different, and that is what makes this world so great, and interesting. Just go out there and have fun, and be yourself. Learn from my mistake of changing for people because it didn't work out for me. It just got me in deeper. I am here you just have to talk about it and become more open about it. We need to take a stand and beat bullying together. We can do it. It just takes time and us coming together and help each other out for the better. Anyways, I got to go to class now. I just thought I would write and let you know about bullying and that it is a problem and I am here to help you through.
              Also know that this is a safe place for you to come and express yourself. This is a place where you can forget about your problems and are welcome and accepted no matter what. I am working to make this a relaxing place from all the high school stress and drama. I am working to make this a fun place for everyone and not just myself. If you have any comments on how I can make this better, please tell me.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Adventures, Adventures

                We have a high school large group band and choir contest tonight. I am really nervous, yet really excited because it is yet another opportunity and adventure for me to have in high school. However, we have an hour drive at least to get to the place where the contest is hosted, and the band does not play until 9:00 PM tonight, which is really crazy, but you know what, that is okay. We did pretty good at the solo and ensemble contest, and I am expecting to do well tonight, and win this contest or whatever it really is, because we sound amazing on our own, but I am sure that when we all come together tonight we will be more than awesome and amazing. We will blow minds. I know I am really busy, but I am taking advantage of everything that is offered to me. I mean I want to be remembered and find where I really belong, and where I want to go with my life. This also allows me to learn new things about myself, and what interests me the most.
               Our last tennis meet is on Monday, and I am sad to see the season go. I am happy though for everything that we have accomplished including making school history this season. I have got homework, but no motivation to do it like most high school students this time of year, I guess you could say I am giving up on this year. Anyways, the bell just rang so I have to go to class now. Peace out wonderful and awesome people. Keep pushing and moving forward. We can finish this school year together.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


              Hola, people! Welcome to my new blog! This is for anyone and everyone, but mostly people in high school because you wouldn't understand some of the things that I will be talking about if you are not in high school, or taking high school classes. This is from a high school girl that is currently a freshman and almost a sophomore right now. This will be only active during the school year as I don't have easy access to a laptop over the summer. Anyways, I just thought that I would welcome you to this awesome place, where you should feel inspired to share your own thoughts and tips. Know that this is also a safe place. A place where you can come and zone out and just relax for a while because we all need that in high school. I mean it is really crazy already, and this is just freshman year for me.